
ouch! ooh! ouch! ow!

@SinTinTin: Edwards is, but Young seemed totally willing to drink Edwards' crazy kool-aid. Sooo...a draw?

@starsnostars: So true. Those were some painfully ratty weaves, whereas this wig is the best part of her outfit!

@EvilVaginaTroll: It's way too long and glossy to be her own hair, which was shoulder-length and blondish when I saw an interview with her a couple months ago. So either a wig or a good color job with a whole lotta extensions. It's really pretty, though, both the curl and the color.

@EvilVaginaTroll: It's a wig. You might be able to buy the whole thing for cheaper.

@raineoffire: "Live large like Hemingway" didn't exactly work out well for Hemingway either.

@Eustace Silly: Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Unless they've lost a lot of weight and their chests have saggy flesh where the moobs used to be?

@katie.scarlett.o'hara: No one said that people with big boobs weren't people. Or great actresses.

Personally, I always turn to Miss America candidates for insight, particularly when it comes to issues of weight and size.

Wow. Happy birthday to all of us!

@GreyEminence: It is also a waste of precious cocoa butter resources, which this time of year should be reserved entirely for my hands and elbows.

White chocolate is an abomination.

The one on the right is giving us the bitchface.

I suspect People edited out the last bit of the quote: "....and I'm the luckiest fucking man on earth, so you motherfuckin haters can kiss my ass!"

So women should expect that there's a "distinct risk" they might be gang-raped by their own colleagues if they work for KBR?

@AfroJezeBella: No. In fact, a standing ovation seems appropriate. With whistling and foot-stomping.

I wish him a long, miserable, painful life in prison.

@bluebears: And yet somehow there's money to pay their plastic surgeons, no?