
@BabyJane: He's a controlling creep. And she seems perfectly happy playing Barbie for him. I guess if it works for them...

@bluebears: Gretchen's right about Lynne being a lousy mom, IMO. But it's none of her business. And she's dating a total skeezoid who's been busted for not paying child support and doesn't see his own kids, which makes her willingness to criticize Lynne's parenting seem like a personal slam instead of genuine concern.

@Diana Prince: Thanks! I didn't see the other one at first b/c my browser wasn't loading right, but really, that one is SOOOO much better.


@kthnx: I thought Dominic West was kinda skeezy looking myself.

@GreyCat: Well, I'm going to have to scratch "hardcore porn" off the list of career options if my day job doesn't work out.

I assume they're banning twink porn too?

@GreyCat: No. And I'm going to venture a guess: she's not married because she's a bitter person full of self-loathing and hostility.

@SarahMC: Mommy settled for Daddy and now they're raising their 2.5 children in a household full of thinly veiled contempt and seething resentment. Hooray for the nuclear family!

This book is 100% pure self-loathing, universalized and spattered onto the reader.

@willwriteforfood: I'm sure he's not overbearing or abusive or a terrible manager...

@bluewine: I get the sense that if you work there, you've drunk the Mackey kool-aid—he seems to get rid of everyone who hasn't.

There was a profile of John Mackey in the New Yorker recently, which made it pretty clear that he's completely obsessive and irrational about food and eating habits—he believes that no one will ever get sick if they just eat the right foods—as well as tyrannical towards his employees.

I would like to state categorically that wolves are the awesomest animal ever.

@Aesop's Foibles.: I really like the Chunky chicken and mushroom soup with noodles. I ate that shit constantly when growing up. And neither the calories nor the sodium turned me into a lardass or made me grow a penis, so fuck them.

@iquenique: Which is what I'd be if my meals had only 80 calories apiece.