
I assume they are still running ads for their Chunky Soups—to be consumed only by MEN, who don't have to care about calories?

@thePrototype: Doesn't he ever worry his head will just explode?

I am always astonished by the sculpted perfection of her hair. I don't think I've ever devoted that much time to any aspect of my grooming...ever.

@bluebears: I would like to see him reappear in a deus ex machina a few episodes down the line having left his wife and moved to the Village so he can realize his dream of being the fabulous gay man he is.

@RachelConquers: I sometimes watch Joe or Glenn Beck or Fox News while on the treadmill because it makes me so mad I run extra fast as though I could catch up with them and deliver the righteous ass-whupping they deserve.

@RachelConquers: Oh shit, you're right. It must be the Scarborough connection—in my mind all hateful blowhards are Fox News.

She works for Fox News! Surely no one—especially Mika, unless she's hopelessly stupid—expects her to be treated with respect or equality.

The real victim in all this?

@snobographer: It doesn't make any difference, but thanks for the nit-pick.

@mustlovebooknerd: I'm sorry, but you must have been hiding under a rock for the past couple decades. Did you never see his interviews, hear the prosecutor's evidence, or read the testimony of the children—several of them, discussing multiple incidents over many years—who credibly claimed he had inappropriate contact

@mustlovebooknerd: Not if he was a child molester, which I'm convinced he was.

@mustlovebooknerd: I honestly don't care whether you like it or not. Also, not all unconvicted people are innocent.

@brightpeonies: Yeah, that's why I feel sorry for him. Addictions fuck up everything for everyone.

I've seen no evidence that Tiger was into raping kids—he seemed to stick with tacky but consenting adults—so that's a comparison FAIL.

You know what makes me really hot? Being able to pay my bills. And health insurance.

@boobookitteh: I nearly spit my tea onto my monitor. Kudos!

@raphaela: I bet that's why he sat there in the first place! ;)