
@raphaela: Sure, there are legit reasons cover up—convenience, comfort, hygiene—but that doesn't mean that being naked is "bad."

"Bad naked" is just body shaming and judgmentalism.

@Tiger_Eye: Harsh as it sounds, I think most of us could fuck guys like this for free if that's what we wanted.

That made me snort with glee last night!

@quitelikely: That you said they "wouldn't care so much about losing their authors of color." Believe me, in the bleeding heart guilty white liberal world of publishing, nothing makes people scuttle faster than accusations of racism!

@quitelikely: What makes you assume that the only people who will want to shun them for being racist are POC?

@quitelikely: As someone who works in publishing, I can tell you it's a huge loss for Bloomsbury. It's a PR nightmare that makes them look racist (justifiably), which will certainly affect which authors/agents are willing to do business with them in the future. At the very least, no author of color will want to

@Vivi Johnson: Nope, in fact she's using the exactly same excuses. And yet Anna feels sorry for her and thinks there must be some explanation for it all.

@Understater: I'm deadass serious. Anna's practically tied herself in verbal knots, she's so busy trying to find a way to sympathize her way out of condemning this nasty bit of rape apologism.

@buymecandy: I think some of the residual issues come from that shame, and also from the burden of feeling that if we reveal what happened we'll hurt or destroy our family/loved ones/community.

Way to apologize for the rape apologist.

@DonnaPirana: Exactly. Hell, even if I thought she was guilty, I wouldn't doubt that the Italian police smacked her when they had her in custody.

@cate3710: They kinda look like...chaps.


If a police officer brutalizes you and no one captures it on videotape, it never happened!

I feel very strongly that NOT telling just furthers our victimization. We wind up carrying around the burden of all that shame and guilt that rightly should be carried by the abuser, not by us.

@Copper: Dude is deeply creepy.

Not buying.

No one has done more to discredit the animal rights movement and alienate its potential supporters than Ingrid Newkirk.

@bluebears: It's based largely on experience. Dudes I've dated in their mid-late 40s tend to not want to wear condoms or think they don't need them. Dudes in their 20s and 30s usually strap up without being asked.