
@CremeBruDont: That's what I was hoping, but re-reading it, I'm pretty sure she means what it sounds like she means. Ick.

If some people, they prefer dogs, I don't have a problem with it.

How does one sit in that?

@CurtCole: Not I. But let me know when your clip goes up!

Oh for the fuck of shit. What the fuck?? I mean...seriously? Fuck that.

@Antrack: But where does she think the dog will wind up once she's given it away? It's still a stray. Even if the vet manages to treat it succesfully, there's no guarantee that it's not going to wind up right back at the pound.

Kim loved the dog when she could treat it like a doll and dress it in little outfits, but as soon as she learned it was sick and would need actual attention and cost her money for vets bills, she was outta there.

So I could drape this over the sex toys when grandma comes to visit?

@Aesop's Foibles. YES.: Yo, I'mma let you finish in a second but first I gotta say JEREMY BRETT WAS THE BEST SHERLOCK EVER!

I have no comment. I just want to give you a standing ovation, LaToya.

The Time review also has a good takedown of Julie Powell's new memoir. I read that over the holidays and I have to say, the takedown is spot on.

@LazyHippo: And yet, it's frequently referred to as the only democracy in the Middle East. Which it isn't—it's just a soft-core theocracy.

@badmutha: Yes! Also, I suspect he is most excellent in bed, although I unfortunately have no first-hand proof. But it speaks well of him in general that while he cycles through many women, none of them appear to have anything bad to say about him once the relationship's over.

@GGobsessed: I have been several times myself and more than once I was physically menaced. My little brother was harrassed and intimidated on the men's side. It was winter every time I went and we were both wearing long coats, so covering up wasn't the problem—our being obviously non-Haredi was.

Even that ill-advised facial hair and Hamiltonian tan cannot dim my ardor for The Cloons.

@GGobsessed: Yes, like many American Jewish women, I wear a tallis. It's not unusual.

These outrages cannot be ignored by American Jews and must be viewed for what they are: another chapter in the ongoing struggle to determine whether Judaism’s most sacred site will belong only to a distinct, intolerant minority or whether it can truly welcome all the Jewish people.