
@hortense: Absolutely. They really push the envelope with how they try to sell it as a silver bullet for weight loss, esp. the nasty chocolate kind that's supposed to be what you should eat when you're in the mood for dessert. It's almost pro-ana. What's worse, Special K is just overprocessed rice loaded with sugar,

@badmutha: OOOOWEEE! Crazy-ass bitchez be hatin' on my Special K!

When you're employer's forced to resort to advertising the fact that you're a wackjob to deal with the fact that people keep calling you a wackjob, well....

@PilgrimSoul: That's the entire purpose of Vegas, as far as I can tell. That and cleaning out one's wallet.

If two people want to enter into marriage so that one of them can get residency, I fail to see how this harms society.

Any sexual contact between an inmate and a staff member in a correctional facility is automatically criminal. Legally, someone who is imprisoned is considered incapable of consenting to a relationship with the person imprisoning them.

@anibundel: OMG, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one! I'm 34 but I still sing that to myself when I go to the dentist!

@SarahMC: Not mine! I relentlessly hover, infantilize and micromanage every aspect of their lives, thus ensuring that the have no reason to rebel or resent me.

@morninggloria: Yep. Parents always think it's everyone else's kids who are drinking, drugging and getting knocked up.

@egg cream: All that says is that Gawker is one of the many forms of media to rely on an active and vocal readership to create/enhance their brand. That doesn't make it any less ridiculous that some commenters think that they are important as the editors, that they work as hard as the editors or that they should be

@egg cream: Oh please. I can't speak for all Tier 1 commenters, but I highly doubt we're so self-important that we believe our comments draw enough traffic to raise Gawker's rate base.

Questioning, that was so incredibly lucid and well-said. Thank you so much for sharing it.

@PilgrimSoul: Yeah, but that just means that if you read a Gawker site, you give them the pageviews for their rate base. Comments don't really matter—clicks onto the stories do.

@NewsBunny: True. I feel vaguely guilty that I read the NY Times and the WaPo every day for free. I would have been willing to pay a subscription fee. But since I don't have to, I essentially get their product for free. We know on-line advertising doesn't make up for it model FAIL. It's a damn shame

@PilgrimSoul: How exactly does posting comments make money for Denton?