
Psst...Karen. You too might wind up poor someday. Trust.

@DutchessOfDork: Spiralling galaxies of ignorance roll majestically against a backdrop of what looks like dark prejudice, dotted hither and thither with winking stars of snide innuendo.

@hollygirl: Hah! You are not the only one who wonders.

@Lizard in the Wires is on Rails: But the picture speaks a thousand words, doesn't it? The whole premise is using a slutty-looking woman in order to sell beer. In this case they're playing with the whole virgin-whore idea, but at base it's still just typical chauvinist badvertising.... #snowwhiteliquorad

I disagreed with you on the Letterman thing, Anna, but you are 100% right that you should be able to say you don't think bosses should fuck their employees without being treated like the village prude.

I hate Snow White, so I find it funny for that reason. But yes, it's stupid and offensive—LOL UR A HO!—and probably cooked up by a roomful of drunk frat boys ad execs.

This ad campaign brought to you by Pete Campbell... #but

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: Co-sign. Although Lucinda didn't seem to think anything was wrong with their behavior. If I were Lucinda's friend I'd be thinking long and hard about the implications of that. #lucindarosenfeld

Dear princesses:

@erinna: For real. This is the woman who brought the world assless leather chaps as a fashion statement.

@morninggloria: Welll, yeah. And the facial expression is kind of self-conciously "I'm being a little naughty! Hee hee!"

@morninggloria: See, I have two little A cups, so I know nothing about the ways of you delightfully stacked ladies.

What a ridiculous tempest in a D cup. I'll co-sign the on"who the fuck cares."