

I totally plan to carry my kids around like that. Way easier than bumping into everyone on the sidewalk with a stroller.

@I, Zombie Normal: If I had done that, my mother would have killed me, then dug me up and killed me again. Then she would have grounded my bones for all eternity.

@GreyCat: Games of strategy can induce the vapors in ladies. This is a known fact.

And the parents just have absolutely NO IDEA where their kids learned this language? Yeah, right.

@Tippi Hedren: Good point. Although if I must be hit on by someone, I'll take nerds over jocks any day!

Lucinda Rosenfeld is not very bright.

@Tippi Hedren: Life is so much easier when you're amoral. The rest of us wouldn't be able to sleep at night if we were guilty of all Joe Jackson's done.

@Tippi Hedren: I think he learned the first time around that you can make a shitload of money exploiting kids.

And where is Grandma Katherine in all this?

@embarcadero13: Who says she doesn't have the choice? Maybe the kid doesn't like to wear her hair braided. We just don't know what she likes or what they like or any of that.

@andBegorrah: And spellcheck is useless on those occasions! Also, organism vs. orgasm.

@andBegorrah: I'm tenderheaded as hell (also stick-straight, white-girl hair) and had the same problems as a kid, so I had the bowl cut for most of elementary school, Even now, I warn the hairwasher at the salon to be gentle.

"In recent pictures it's clear Angelina Jolie hasn’t taken the time to learn or understand the long and painful history of African-American women and hair. If she had I can’t imagine she would continue to allow Zahara to look like she has in the past few months. Photos of Zahara show the 4-year-old girl sporting hair