I would agree that season 4 is like no thanks. Also, I think it's not a function to send private messages, but I guess if I leave my e-mail here, you can dismiss it when you see it and then it won't be here anymore?
I would agree that season 4 is like no thanks. Also, I think it's not a function to send private messages, but I guess if I leave my e-mail here, you can dismiss it when you see it and then it won't be here anymore?
X-Files 2.0 still sounds pretty good. I'm a fan of the X-Files! When you mentioned your top television, I started thinking about mine, and it would definitely include The X-Files and Battlestar Galactica. And I really love Once Upon a Time, but it's not like "good" per se, just like Hook.
Yeah, I think the last season of Once Upon a Time had some really great points, and I really liked the new take on Peter Pan.
You were into Peter Pan? We need to be friends. I actually just sent in some pictures and resume and stuff to potentially do costumes for a Peter Pan show! And I haven't watched Sherlock, but I've heard amazing things so I think I might try that.
Oh man, The Thief and the Cobbler is amazing! And last I checked, there was a more kid-friendly cut that streamed on Netflix that you might be able to watch with your daughter.
When I was little, my favorite Disney character like ever was Jafar. Because he turned into a SNAKE! Snakes are cool! I think the only reason I liked the movie Aladdin like at all was Jafar's wicked cool snake staff and ability to turn into a snake. Which sucked when I first saw The Thief and the Cobbler (Recobbled…
I think his best performance is My Own Private Idaho. It's like the part he was born to play, and I always brought it up when my film-school compatriots said Keanu Reeves was a terrible actor. Also, he's pretty.
Oh, also, I would pick Superman to win against Batman. Superman has such a wide and varied array of powers that, if he could prevent Batman from activating any kind of secret stash of kryptonite that he apparently keeps on hand just in case, he could surely use some power or combination of powers that Batman was not…
I wouldn't call myself a Batman fangirl... More of a Commissioner Gordon fangirl. I'm really not that big on Batman himself outside of Batman The Animated Series and a few other things, I actually like Spider-Man better in general (especially if we're not counting TAS or Brave and the Bold) because of his Spider-Sass.…
Only if Batman didn't know it was coming. Otherwise he would be adequately prepared far in advance and for every possibility.
That story about the woman driving through the hardware store totally brings back memories. When I was in high school, a drunk driver drove through the wall of my gramma's restaurant (in the middle of the night, we were closed). It was around Xmas, and I remember waking up that morning and seeing a video my dad took…
Does your dad have any accordion-playing posted somewhere on the internet? I like his style.
I realize your post is super old now and you probably have found a poster to your liking, but here in 2013 we have these!
Think of it more as folk art than as candy. I personally can appreciate homages to them, but it's weird to see people full-on imitating Day of the Dead imagery without knowing anything about it. Disclaimer: I am half Mexican and by no means speak for anyone other than myself.
That is, in my opinion, why the movie is more awesome than the book.