
Compassionate Conservative?  No such thing . . . 

He is too stupid for words. Good job Florida . . .

Sounds like very single other Repug candidate. 

Meatball Ron is a vindictive fucktard. The entire Disney lawsuit is based on his revenge tactics, so I can only hope Disney pays it back with their own version of revenge. And I hardly think losing any Presidential aspirations will keep him quiet. After all, he’ll be a Senator soon because Florida being Florida will

I remember seeing just such a thing in a New Orleans neighborhood. It was Mickey and Minnie with a brown face. For about a month, then it weirdly disappeared.

I think there’s a movie about this woman on Tubi.  It’s called Deranged. 

Perhaps Mel and Jim should do a movie about this. 

Guess you forgot about the people they murdered during the poorly organized coup attempt, right?  Not to mention one of their own, who was shot because just because. 

Sadly, he won’t. 

Madonna even dismissed her as crazy and disturbed. Of all people . . .

Hope he was bumping Fuck the Police during the ride. 

First Lady?  Bahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . 

His Batman films should have had plenty of sex and nudity. Too late for that.

Nah.  Louisiana first. 

Well, you gotta hand it to those otters.  They just wanted it more. 

Suddenly Last Summer.  Cannibalism . . . 

The number one killer of children in the US is guns. If they really care about children, they should start right there.

She got pushed. The way she described it was like a beat down from an LA cop.

You should have put fell into quote marks.  

Unless this dipshit gets mauled to death by a pride of lions, I have no interest in hearing about him or his rotten adventures. ENOUGH ALREADY!