
Correct.  He intended to kill that man.  Case closed. 

How can you tell if a Republican is lying?  Their lips are moving. 

Ah, Ralph . . . we loved you so. 

So why isn’t this woman being screamed at?  Fuck’s sake she’s referring to a 10-year old child as a woman.  Stop taking the high road with these idiots.  They need to be shamed out of existence. 

Milo and Ali sitting in a tree . . . 

Well Disney World is in Florida. 

She’s a Republican.  Don’t listen to anything she has to say.  

Uh, Marsha Blackburn is female.  And her head should have exploded ages ago. 

Well, he certainly dresses better than she does.  

Future voters of Ten, please take note of this. You’re the only hope. 

Cockroach Coulter. Gee, I thought we were done with her.  

She should have been armed then none of this would have happened, right? Right??? 

Who’d wanna be anything this asshat supports?

Meanwhile . . . Wisconsin did the right thing last night!!! 

Doonebury already covered this rather brilliantly after the Silent Scream nonsense.  Remember Timmy???? 

Just like an abortion won’t happen if they get knocked up on the first date.

Uh, Weekend at Bernie’s??? 

Jezebelle’s giving Sophia a pass for whitewashing the Bling Ring and The Beguiled?  Mercy me!!!  And she sucks as a director, by the way. 

He still doesn’t have an Oscar.  Snicker snicker. 

How about a memorial to the nearly 500 people lynched in Arkansas?