
The rape and incest exception is garbage, based primarily on the fuckery we are witnessing here. So why even have it?

As a resident of South Louisiana, thank you for this!  We know what to do. 

More than enough women in this country support Trump.  

Hold my beer, says Louisiana.

Who voted this asshole in?  Get what you pay for Ohio. 

Keanu Forever - Depp Never 

God, I hope somebody filmed this epic moment!

His son is repugnant too.  Apples don’t fall too far do they. 

She was voted in fair and square so now the rest of us gotta endure her terminal bullshit.  Fuck you Georgia.  

We’ve already voted.  He’s the President.  WTF else can we do?  

And the slaves were freed by a Republican. Yes, times change.

Don’t be surprised if the Repubs introduce laws that prevent US citizens from leaving the country permanently, just because.

That would be Bob Clark.  I’m a huge fan. 

Biden has always been pro-life.  He’s just another good Catholic who doesn’t want to be denied communion.  We are doomed. 

Another horrific reminder that the 3 stooges just recently appointed to SCOTUS are going to be there for a long, long, long time.

His films were always very misogynist.  I think more women got killed in his films than the average Friday 13th movie.  

And she’s probably still vote for Trump, given the chance.  Just like all his ilk. Testify or go to jail is the only reason she spilled her guts.

The Dems are the enemy people. Even worse than the Repugs because they get their voters to support, support, support, and when we do, they refuse to act on anything that doesn’t benefit themselves and their donors. Time and time again this has happened. I live in Louisiana. Our Governor is a Dem. Enough said, umkay.

This!  We need to start exercising our 2nd Amendment rights.  The way they were intended. 

I don’t know whether to scream or cry.  My state of Louisiana, abortion is no 100% illegal.  The bluedogfuckhead governor just signed a law that would put doctors in jail for performing abortions.  Cripes . . . I’m ready to expat!!