
I refuse to dismiss this as just another shooting in America. The people responsible need to be held accountable. Boycott advertisers. Let them know we are not going to allow this madness to continue.

Sucking the Cuban dick for votes.  That’s all . . . 

How very Newt Gingrich of him.  

And I’m sure Libs of Tik Tok still going strong, no?? 


And Louisiana just voted down the “Dont Say Gay” bill??  WTF?  Seriously, WTF??? And blue dog Dems are Republicans in sheep’s clothing.  

Let’s whip out the space lasers!!

Whatever. Repubs are desperately trying to get rid of him ever since he called them out on their orgy and cocaine parties. Pal around with snakes and you get bit. He’s learning.  

Damn good job Jezebel!!! 

Jesus Christ, what a fucking lunatic. This, THIS asshole is making decisions regarding my country and its citizens?????

Thanks white women for overwhelming supporting Trump in both elections.  Or rather, fuck off and die.  

Hopefully he is the last of the Reagan Democrats.  This country needs to move forward and out of the past.  

Reagan Democrat?  Never gonna happen.  NEVER. 

What a beautiful person and inspiration you are. So sorry you had such a rough start. Is is wrong to say I hope every single person in that class died a slow, painful death???

Good job Disney!!  

Polanski won an Oscar while in exile, so there’s that. 

Just how did she gain access?  What’s up with security in this place?

Bird Brain isn’t going to support her anyway.  All of this questioning is a pointless waste of fucking time.  

He also voted against the MLK Holiday, not once, but twice. Fuck him.

I think he’s already got the young Luke Skywalker role sewn up.