
And she’s still a Republican? Why continue to visit a club that just revoked your membership?

The fuck did I just watch?  Why the hell can’t people mind their own goddamn business?

Do we need another pop star who looks like Lady Gaga? 

Amazing how wealthy people always find a way to scam poor people. ALWAYS.


Stay out of my kitchen?  Yeah, stay out of my fucking bedroom, you dumb twat. 

Yeah, just put a fucking mask on and you might have saved yourself 14 hours of travel time. Idiot.

A kid killing a small animal is hardly an act of kids being kids. Fuck right off lady. I hope you and your worthless brat go to jail forever. 

Demi’s story is nonsense that should have been ignored.  Thanks for playing right into her hands. 

Precisely why they set up shop in Alabama.  No worries about worker’s rights or unions, etc.  

Please don’t use Gorilla Glue.  Please. 

I want those shoes . . . 

Another old man who needs to have his car keys taken away. 

Says the girl who use to bring knives to bed.  Oh boy . . . 

She’s the main reason Ozzy still waddles on stage every year.  

Slowpoke . . . he pack a gun. 

Ridiculous. Let it fucking go already.

Vote for a Reagan Democrat, get Reagan Democrat politics. 

Trust science?  Strange words coming from a woman who belongs to a party that objects to any type of scientific logic on an hourly basis.  

Enough already.  Leave this woman alone.