
His Twitter account is just as boring. Stop following ages ago.

You win this thread!

The iceberg. Fucking hate that movie.

His poll numbers are still down.

She's repugnant. Not justifying the abuse, but if you sleep with dogs, gonna get some fleas.

Of course the real question is, whether Trump will accept loser Bush's endorsement.

Movies about cats suck. That is all.

I have not one single problem with his naked paddleboarding.

Even if he loses, he'll still think he got elected. Cannot wait for that.

Love it! She just gets prettier and prettier.

Somebody gotta play the evil white people.

Gran Torino is a masterpiece. Please, Clint, just stop it. I don't want to hate you.

I lost ALL of my photos in Katrina. I fell your pain. Amazing how a simple photograph can trigger such emotion. I feel sick every time I think about things I will never see again.



He should hang with Trump's sons.

Oh, Sebastian.


Three more months of this shit. THREE. MORE. MONTHS.

Cuba, please keep them.