
What’s the problem? Don’t like what YouTube is doing, then have your shit taken down. See copyright violation notices all the time. Most artists don’t want to admit they will lose a lot of free publicity for their crappy music via YouTube.

Uh, this. Youtube has made me buy more music than ever before. The benefits clearly out weigh the problems.

And who the hell is Moop?

I wonder if he married his third wife in a church? Or his second. You know, the one he left his first wife for.

Carly isn't good at anything, much or less feminism. She needs to stfu already. And who dug her up anyway? Was Coulter busy?

Once again, a bunch of hippie asshats have ruined a magnificent and magical rite of nature and remaining clueless about exactly why it happens. They should not let anybody near Stonehenge, imo.

Amber Rose is none of those things and is just as insufferable.

Whatever. Forever is my Judy Blume go-to book anyway.

Why, WHY are you absolutely correct on this????

I can only puke after reading this.

And once again my country has put the rights of guns ahead of the rights of people who want to dance at a night club, attend school, attend a movie theater, etc., etc.

Just where are they going to go?

The rest of his troglodyte followers won't have them though.

This. I've been pissed off a these idiots before, but now I want to punch them in their fucking faces. Then kick them in their nutsacks. Bunch of insensitive fuckers.

Yeah, so what the fuck took them so long? A bunch of dead school children couldn’t motivate the same kind of common sense?

Ugh. Those two . . . enough mayonnaise to make a mile high club sandwich.

They'll shut down the government any day now. Because . . . Republicans!

She was in a Spielberg movie?????

Perhaps this is why Ri Ri won't hang with Leo on a permanent basis.