
An asshole never changes his assholery. Never. Were we actually expecting him to mention a bit of sympathy to the gay community after this went down?

This. Get on with it, Hillary. You can do this, and it's time someone did.

She’s been in the business a lot longer that both of those actors. She knows what’s she’s talking about.

This and being a male on Game of Thrones, of which there is no such thing as sexism.

Ben Carson: Trump's Other African American


Blow, Donnie Brasco, Dead Man . . . he's a good actor.

The poor little fuck. How will he ever survive????

Why does this immediately come to mind?

He’s gross. Never understood the appeal of him. Looks like he was raised by wolves or something. Ugh.

She's nauseating. Nothing sadder than watching a reasonably intelligent person turn idiot when defending that chump.

Irrelevant. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking women like her need a brain to succeed.

Guess he paid them $1.00 a year and all the dresses they could have.

Doesn't change the fact that this happened.

Abuse is abuse. And if he did this, we’d be jumping his shit. Quit dismissing these claims as no big deal. There was another victim involved.

Abuse i

No mention of abuse allegations against Amber yet? Perhaps those two should stay together.

Uh, it's Megan Fox. You want wisdom, go talk to Cate Blanchet.

Ozzy. I understand he's free as of late.

At least he didn't steal a backpack. *eyeroll*