
Who gives a shit? He's getting work isn't he? Another idiot thread from Jezebel.

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

What a fucking idiot. Congrats to E! for still hiring the dumbest people on the planet.

We can never have enough bear threads.

Diversity means fewer white people? Yes, thank Christ!

Betcha Snyder doesn't drink the water.

Even more Less Government from the Repugs.

Is it possible to love her to death, but hate on her movies?

American terrorism.

There appears to be two women in this film with very significant parts. And they are both Native, so that speaks volumes about this film.

Well, that might be the only way he’ll win one.

Jesus Tap Dancing Christ . . . enough with the Lucas bashing bullshit, umkay. It's tired, tired, TIRED.

That's her on the cover? Waaaaat?

I did see the film. There is a horrible scene where a whale is killed, but why sanitize it for political correctness? Whaling was horrific and should be shown as such. Does the subject at hand deserve a film? Not really, but neither does American Sniper.

How did anybody live to tell about this? HOW??!!

Build A Bear? I got a Batman one, ages ago.

Canada treats their Native people just as bad as we do. Let's not bask in their warm glowing love just yet.

Yes! But why is she going solo? I can imagine loads of men waiting to escort her somewhere . . . anywhere!

She ain't no Loretta Lynn, that's for sure.

I love the smell of Leo. Nevermind.