
Holy fuck . . . I really need to start reading Archie comics again.

Horrifying. I cannot think of any other way to describe this. What have we become????

I wouldn't buy anything he endorses. HIV or not.

That was intentional. The record company that released it wanted something, anything from him as he was king of all at the time. He and Gibby from Butthole Surfers conspired to make the worst record ever just to test their loyalty. And apparently they succeeded.

Wow. I just cannot care.

So the few of us who thought Gore was a fucking travesty are getting blamed for Bush?

You seem pretty outraged.

This is okay, but period ads are not? Umkay.

Can't wait for Thomas to get his paws on this. With his wife attending pro-life rallies and all.

Holy crap, has anyone seen the cast of this film!? Every single shipmate is edible on every level imaginable. Yummy!

Must be nice having oodles of time to take off just to be a mommie.

NARS Fire Down Below is the best vampire red.

My country is currently at embarrassment overload.

Whatever. She'll get her push present. Because Kim has always gotten what Kim wants.

Understandable. The first Mockingjay was very underwhelming. No reason to sit through another one, especially if you are familiar with how the story ends anyway.

Gee, that was very sensitive of him. WHAT. THE. FUCK?

Glad to see that David Bowie is still the coolest living human being on Earth.

One of my all time fave movies so I'll watch.

Has someone actually gotten HIV from kissing?

Precisely. Just how the fudge did Scarface not make this list?