
‘sup with that girl's head??

Who decided these were experts? Would love to see their credentials.

Disgusting and disgraceful. Women's good health just doesn't matter for shit.

I say we storm the castle and throw out the idiots. How ludicrous that in my country, this shit is taking place. Well, maybe it's not that ludicrous.

Tennessee? Uh, huh.

Brady is a Trump supporter, which only solidifies his asshatery.

I don't think my hormones can handle him and Leo in the same movie, The Revenant. But I will force myself to watch.

It clearly is the most horrifying thing about this film.

Ugh. I need a blue pill after watching that.

Kylie’s To Do List for Today:

Agreed. And their pointless grandstanding STILL won't elevate them to Trump's popularity anyway.

Don't you just love it when Republicans toss around the word slavery when it befits their asshat agendas?

Jesus Fuck Toast. These are terrible! And I love anything Bohemian, but they somehow managed to even fuck that up. I would not get caught wearing any of that crap. Living or dead.

Who the fuck keeps elevating disc jockeys to musician status??

He got rejected because his poetry is shit. Matter of opinion, I know, but seriously, who the hell would want to publish any of that crap?

What a fucking dick.

The entire film is awful. Never understood the raves about it. Audrey was way better in Wait Until Dark.

Saturday Night Fever. At least they had the word "pussy" in it.

She has more contempt for meat eaters than rapists. Sad.