
Aww, poor dumb person.

You made me laugh on a shitty day.

I saw someone put a TLDR summary on a three sentence, on paragraph post a couple months ago. I weep for humanity.

Is it bad that I immediatly recognized that forum post in the GIF as being from ? I spent way too much time on that subaru enthusiast forum in high school and college.

It apparently takes that much information to get reality to click, I respect the effort. It’s the least plausible version of an already unlikely thought experiment that got popularized in sci-fi.

So evil but I did laugh.

I pretty much had the same reaction when I lost my PV virginity. I love finding his comments, but my brain always hurts afterwards.

“Anybody you’d like to nominate?”

What everybody forgets is that the drug testing is for the athletes. They want to make sure nothing harmful gets in their bodies. Now as for you clean athletes, get in the water.

Beautiful, but those tail lights piss me off

Seems to already have been asked, but yeah... What happens if your vehicle is taller than the maximum clearance? Does the bus stop/stay behind until you are clear of it? I hope they thought of that....

HAD a bike rack.

God forbid you have a bike rack and bike on top of your car.

Anyone else find it a little odd that we have laws against going into deep space?

I thought the exact same thing when I read the headline. Seems completely ridiculous.

Wait, why would you need the FAA’s permission to do anything once you left the atmosphere? Or do they consider their jurisdiction to be infinite once you leave the ground and everyone else agrees?

I love flying, but sometimes I hate people.

He died doing what he loved.

“What if we did the Avengers, but with lesser known characters and none of the setup movies?”