“I think I echo your sense of confusion around what it really means to say that “the times were different,” and how that is both simultaneously an explanation and a failure of an explanation.”
“I think I echo your sense of confusion around what it really means to say that “the times were different,” and how that is both simultaneously an explanation and a failure of an explanation.”
I mean its more than a slightly gross thing. It is rape. Children cannot consent to sex with adults. Yeah, I’m glad that she still feels okay with it today, but she definitely wasn’t the only 13 or 14 year old he slept with (by her own account, they also had a threesome with her friend who was less than a year older)…
I loved Bowie’s music, but a 14 year old can’t legally consent. He’s a rapist whether she liked the experience or not.
I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.
OK, so the cafeteria offers chocolate milk for sale to employees, but you think it's some sort of test? Those employees who buy it are knocked off the promotion list?
nope. Popular in Australia. Love me some banana milk (mostly because it tastes not a thing like actual bananas).
I'm trying to imagine a scenario where someone would not get promoted because he likes Chocolate Milk....that is so utterly ridiculous and hilarious at the same time.
You just care about what others think about YOU waaay too much...
It's people who do what they want that make it far in life.
Stop milk shaming.
Just a bit ago, my bf and I were snowed in for the weekend so we built a blanket fort and drank chocolate milk and ate jello. Granted, there may or may not have been baileys in that chocolate milk.
Oh piss off. Chocolate milk is tasty. You don't magically lose the comprehension of flavour when you hit 30.
You're job sounds dumb.
What the hell is up with you, douchebag? Who the fuck do you think you are trying to judge people for the way they wish to live their own lives?
You work in a shitty depressing industry then.
What the fuck are you going on about?
If loving chocolate milk costs your colleague a promotion, he needs to quit now. That company will collapse in on itself before long.
Why are you mad at somebody for enjoying a delicious beverage? It literally does not affect you.
Because your tone is filled with snobbish derision for something as trivial as drinking chocolate milk.
I grew up not drinking Nesquik. My family always bought Hershey's growing up and I got burnt out on it over the years, but still considered myself Hershey's 4 life. Then, one day my wife bought Nesquik and I wanted NO part of it at all. Then I drank it....
Welp. I've worked in corp law, for the state, and now for one of the oldest universities in the country: all had chocolate milk available.
Sounds to me like you could, in fact, care less than you do.