Hmm, I think someone needs a nap cos they're getting a little cranky!
Hmm, I think someone needs a nap cos they're getting a little cranky!
Wait what?
14 is kid young bro...
Sex in games is way more heavilly censored than violence. Because it seems to be more dangerous.
I think people that are into nude anime stuff have perverse issues. Especially since the women look like underage schoogirls. Its the same perversion old men have who go to asian countries for underage looking (or actual) girls. I honestly think the gov should label people that look at this stuff as potential…
As do these illustrations.
I can't help but agree; I think some may be composited from multiple screencaps and promotional images, but the colors appear to be sampled and I imagine at least some tracing is going on. When you're not mixing colors and you're not painting freehand, it certainly impresses me less.
Excellent gossip. Thank you!
It's her experience as an parent dealing with the death of a child.
I'm not defending these parents one iota, but I often wonder how hard it must be for parents when children want to change their identity so drastically. I don't think I'm using the right words here, but I'm not meaning to offend. When I was 16 I decided I wanted to change my first name, but my parents said that was…
That's awful. I hope your wife is ok.
The whole thing is fucking tragic, but criticising the parents for "misgendering" their child after they've just lost their child (not yours, theirs) just to make to do a bit of moral grandstanding after the fact, strikes me as pretty heartless. As upset by the tragedy as you may be (she should have had the support…
"While protests are in order (not just for Leelah but for all trans teens who are not supported by their families and communities), it's painful to read her mother's words, not only because she's still misgendering her daughter but because she honestly believes that she wasn't at all a part of the equation that led to…
I appreciate what you tried to do here. Got an audible chuckle out of me.
I know it isn't a popular opinion - but I loved the N64 controller. It just worked well. My hands are on the large side, even as a kid and it just worked well.
Meanwhile, here is an animated gif over the evolution of the Playstation controller.
And even if its lazy, does it make it not worthy of steam?
Actually I actively try to avoid killing NPC's in GTA games. It really breaks the immersion of a crime caper drama, when your avatar is basically a crazed lunatic. When I play I try to imagine myself as the character in game, and to reach his goals of being a big time crime lord, or whatever the fuck you do in GTA…
GTA and Saints Row have negative consequences for going on murder sprees of the innocent. This game it seems like the murder spree is the entire point.