
"You can do all our manufacturing because you're cheaper"

Two problems - 1) If you paid an admission price, the space is by definition not public. Paying that admission price included an agreement to adhere to the rules set out by the owner of the location, which almost certainly included not disturbing the other patrons.

However, I bet you what happened at Alinea is an extremely, extremely rare occurrence. I think that, once someone breaches etiquette and brings a baby in such an environment, the only solution for everybody is to put up with it. Because any other solution that involves removing the baby and its family is much ruder

That sounds like a win-win to everyone except the restaurant who now had to front at least 3-4 expensive bottles of wine and loses a $400 table.

Yeah fuck them! They didn't pay to have a nice dinner—-oh wait.

So the couple who made the initial rude decision gets to make "everyone else" who didn't make a rude decision "put up with it?"

Well. I don't know. I think if I was spending $400+ for a date night, I wouldn't want a screaming kid in the background. I'd want it to be an elevated experience. So imho, the parents should have managed the situation, since they brought the situation. Take the baby for a walk. Go to the bathroom. Anything. If you

Fuck zombies. Seriously. I'm so fucking tired of every new game being about zombies. If I want a good game with zombies in it, I'll go play Resident Evil 0-4. All these shitty zombie games are flooding the market now and gamers are lapping it up like a cat in front of a bowl of milk. State of Decay, Last of Us, Dying

zombies are fucking stupid. stop adding them to everything, for the love of science.

Haha yeah, cause one thing we need for sure is more zombie games... sort of relevant! I'm not one for over-sharing myself but it is nice to be able to look back on the year with more than just my foggy memory.

No she isn't, she's one of the best writers on the site.

Ugh, let me guess - pick up artist?

Dude. You sound fucking gross.

Nice. Really constructive response. I'll just go ahead and assume you don't have jackshit to say back to me. Again - grow the fuck up.

I don't think it was taking offence, so much as "that's dumb". Which it kinda was.

sexy girl laugh

I didn't read her intro at all, I just watched the video. I was pretty disgusted when I read the "sexy girl laugh" thing. Yes, it is sexist.

So many butthurt/snob comments on this article it's disgusting. We didn't see any gameplay, we saw one environnement, no idea what the story is about, but oh wait, everyone on here is an omniscient god who can predict anything and everything, see through any smoke and mirrors with special cynical specs.
Gosh darn, why