
Just like Mountain Dew, Applejack is a name of an alcoholic drink. "Jacking" (aka freeze distillation) is the process of freezing low alcoholic drinks like beer/cider, then skimming off the ice that forms (water freezes at a higher temp than ethanol), yielding a stronger drink. Applejack uses hard apple cider to

Why don't they look?

There's a Vietnamese produced game where you play as the Viet Minh during their uprising against the French 1946-54, never got around to getting it but always wanted to give it a try. It is called 7554 (referencing May 7, 1954 when they took Dien Bien Phu), and it didn't get great reviews but it still sounds

Well you see, Russia considers the republic of Dagestan as a subject of their Federation, but there are many who live there who believe that it should be an independent country. And these folks have been fighting against Russian forces ever since the fall of the Soviet Union (and some of them since before, the

Point well taken... Like seriously what gives with those pants, (and I don't really usually like saying that because it sometimes gets a little close to ' those damn kids with their hippity-hop' for my taste) they look like Jodhpurs with a sag... Looks like the son of some Italian Blackshirt who decided he wanted to

Is it just me, or does every 'artist' that uses these headset mic things look like an absolute tool? It just screams "I'm too important to be expected to hold a microphone while I sing to you peasants"

Man, the next time those two see each other, somebody's gonna be leaving a trail of tears

Actually, he never even had a license in the first place but was caught riding so many times he was considered a habitual traffic offender. Because of this, he was not even allowed to TRY to get his license until 2017 (or more likely until some later point in time after he was caught riding without a license again)

I don't know, I'm trying to sort of think out how it would be possible to put a stop to this and send a message that this type of riding is not acceptable [and protect legitimate sport-bike riders who are at risk because people will now maybe be even more fearful of sharing the road with them because of assholes like

Judging from the videos on liveleak, this was not just a small faction as there were hundreds in some of them. There were reports pouring in all day, and it seemed like all they wanted to do/ were deployed for was keep it from disturbing the richer/touristy areas instead of actually preventing people from putting

I'm saying barricades would be more ideal but IDK how rapidly they could deploy them which give a huge advantage to spike strips. If however, they put warning signs up/ had those lighted construction signs pre-deployed a couple hundred feet in advance to warn that there were spike strips and to stop,riders would be

I think that they could at least have taken out major groups from that mob if they had been tracking them on the highway, set up barricades at a few exits/ blocked the road before they reached a certain point (and if/when the mob turned around then proceeded to shut down exits and highway going the other way) it would

I would say that if they don't mind having to shut down certain portions of the city for a little while, what about taking a tactic that is used to trap and arrest large crowds of protesters and applying it to actually help people? Track a few large portions of the mob and find an area that is ideal trap them in, put

Get your dog-whistle bingo cards out, folks!

Indeed, it is a terrible shame that the genius behind equivalent uni-axial tensile stress for multi-axial yielding had his name sullied in such a manner (although as not much of a fan of Austrian school/Chicago economics ,his brother shares a little bit of my ire... but that's for another day)

And just so it doesn't seem like "aspiring rapper" [which I mean if somebody wants to pursue a career in music I don't think its fair to necessarily say that they're a total loser... speaking as a MechE so no self-justification here] is being used as a code-word for 'thug' (which you know where that leads)... Note

Ummm in about every way possible? These guys don't think that 'life has wronged them in every way', they want to act like a bunch of tools and show off how cool their bikes are and their mad riding skillz and they think that everybody should just sit there and watch and give them mad props? And the violence is totally

Except for the whole fact that a lot of the somali pirates are ex fishermen who lost their livelihoods due to both international illegal fishing and dumping of toxic waste (not to mention the economic disaster) since their country cannot enforce the sovereignty of their waters.

What they did is the equivalent of a 'gun club' consisting of an unorganized bunch of guys (some of whom are not even allowed to own a gun, and some are blackout drunk) with guns of varying legality including full auto weapons deciding to have a shoot to 'raise gun safety awareness', only instead of holding it at a

Yeah, I think maybe they were all trying to make it to see their dying grandmother in the hospital (who was in her final minutes) but all those assholes who were trying to go about their day-to-day life kept getting in their way...