Ah yes, let’s make snarky comments about a super talented young musician for getting inspired by something we might not understand.
Ah yes, let’s make snarky comments about a super talented young musician for getting inspired by something we might not understand.
People get embarrassed by earnestness. I loved this video because they all shared the earnestness of being creative in a field they loved.
Hahahaha 43 is OLD. I wonder what you’ll think about that when you hit your 40s.
I mean she said she had played traditional folk music and had a spiritual experience because she finally understood the dance music they had in France which has now influenced her current music. I don’t see what is so bad about that story.
this is so cool this girl is so cool their interaction is so cool her music is cool ugh the internet isn’t always terrible
It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.
“ Seems like it’s so easy to get laid now all these good looking athletic young guys r getting so much free sex it kills me.”
“Free sex” ... let me throw up my dinner.
Yes the most direct correlation for me, is to that of the entitled weird guys who blame society and the “norms” for their lack of female attention. “But I’m such a nice guy! Why don’t women understand how I deserve them!”
Congrats on the sex?
I would need a rebound period, like men do, to keep going. But once I’ve orgasmed, I need a break.
You need to start being super obvious with people you’re interested in.
Not inlcuding foreplay, I generally think the sweet spot is 12 minutes. Not too short that I can’t get off, but 30 minutes is too long. Also, if I come first, I need things to wrap up fast. I’m not alone in that, right? After orgasm, it’s OVER for me.
What anyone wants or needs out of sex is intensely personal
(I offer that the start of human sex commences with the beginning of sexual touching and ends when no one needs to be sexually touched anymore because both are satisfied, however that is defined between the participants.)
This cannot possibly be news to most people. I’m cool with like, 20 minutes start to finish and then Netflix.
It’s about 75% serious. I have issues, (everyone does), and taken separately, they wouldn’t be that bad. But when you bunch them all up......I can be a handful.
Well, if we ignore the fact that I’m broken and refuse to inflict myself on others
will arnett is a failure. i think he is mostly like gob and yells “amy i have made a huge mistake”