
No. Men. Porn is made for men, porn caters to male-socialized desires, men are the primary makers and consumers of porn. Stop pretending this is an equal-opportunity problem.

And fuck you TMZ.

Fuck you depp.

I have absolutely no perspective because I am a douchey phone user too but when I was in a mall once, texting on my phone going with traffic and a crew of out-of-towners were walking three abreast on the “wrong” side come toward me. Much as I am texting, I am maintaining spacial awareness so I step to the

Not to be cute, but when you were looking at that list of FGM by country, did you fail to notice that while the US is included, Morocco is not?

I ain’t mad. I have said it before, I will no doubt say it approximately ten million times in the next (hopefully) four years but I will be damned if I will go gracefully into a Trump administration. Anything big or small or in between that discomfits that fascist fuck is fine by me. And that includes Jill Stein.

#4 tho. George is a fabulous villain. I don’t know that actor from anything else but I adore him. He’s the perfect insecure bully and the actor infuses enough humor to make you *almost* root for him against Ross’ insufferable self.

Elizabeth is still the worst. List of Poldark Worsts:

Yes, actually, I lived in rural Morocco for a year.

Yes, but look at the all the money and attention his accusers got! They’re all swimming in that sweet rape accusation-money that you automatically get. I hear Stoya lives in a gold plated castle now


It’s not just gonzo porn - there are hundreds of testimonies of women in the porn industry about being forced or coerced into acts they didn’t agree to, or having their pain/injury ignored, or being given drugs and alcohol to be able to tolerate a scene. Even “feminist-friendly” porn sites like have this

Isn’t it terrible how the mere suggestion that a man had may have sexually abused a woman completely ruins the poor man’s life? It’s grossly unfair how much power women have.

Women can be both complicit in and victims of patriarchal abuse. Men in power don’t care about those women, either.

No, but guns help. Thanks for playing.

Isn’t it GREAT that we now have to have a “stop, drop and roll” for active shooter situations at schools? JUST GREAT. (heavy, sobbing sarcasm)

Again, these fuckers track you down and kill you. Statistically you are most likely to die when you try to leave.

Lena never claimed to be the voice of her generation. Her self-absorbed fictional character on GIRLS said that. Lena doesn’t feel that way about herself and is not the enemy. As important as it was for us to focus our attention on Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer during the election (they were surely the key to ending

continually rolling out her bonafides when she does something like this is getting tiresome as well - it devalues the currency of the facts seems less like earnest empathy and more like i have a black friend!

lena dunham : profile in courage.