
Indian Summers is so good! Cancelled after two seasons though. :(

'But it makes you feel alive. I should know. I do it a lot.'

That's Willow, not Jaden.

In Australia, male strip shows (at parties) are 15-20mins and are comedy routines more than anything. The performers are paid around $200-$300 per show. Female shows are 15-30mins depending on explicitness, and they're paid $250-$450. Some clients add tips on top, just because.

Clem Ford is indeed a most excellent feminist writer who is very well known here in Australia. It's pretty awesome to see her commenting here!


You're just saying... plants feel pain? Oh, wait. But they don't. They respond to stimuli, but they don't have a central nervous system and are in no way sentient beings. So what exactly is it you're just saying?

Partner - not 'even' her husband. She's an atheist too, although that's not a big deal down here.

Australian size 18 would be US 12-14.

'Blooper real'

And also vitamin D doesn't pass through glass, so if you drive with the windows up (and no sunscreen on) you get all the UV nasties with none of the goodness.

That's really sad. When I talk to people, it's very rarely about work (that's the LEAST interesting part of my life, and it is actually pretty interesting!) - it's mostly about TV, politics, my writing, my volunteer work, what's going on with friends and family, my cat etc. (OK, mostly my cat, because I am a legit cat

How's logic going for you, honey?

Fuck that shitty argument with a clawhammer, seriously. The majority of crop-based agriculture is for producing food for livestock.

That's me!

36 here, and same! I've always had 'phone phobia'. I remember mum calling me to the phone when I was 10 or 11 - it was my best friend - and I actually cried from the anxiety of it all, begged mum to make an excuse, and ran away to my room. I was a freaky little kid (and I still get a raised heartbeat whenever the

'Since when is it offensive to refer to a female as a "female?" It's better than "bitch," "whore," or "hey you."'

We have a massively racist history, yes. As a population we are still deeply racist, and our treatment of our indigenous people, to this day, is a disgusting blight on our country. But it's true nonetheless that - indigenous communities aside (and I know how awful that sounds, but I'm boiling things down to the

In my high school friendship group our ethnic backgrounds were as follows: white Australian x2, Filipino x2, Lebanese, Turkish, Maltese, Sri Lankan, Chilean. None of us looked alike and few of us had common cultural stuff going on at home, aside from our religion (and only a couple of the families were seriously