I was rather saddened. I was hoping for somewhere in the 25-33% range.
WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING? Are those... bands? Dear god, I'm old. Who the fuck ARE those people? I need to lie down.
Fool, you are making NO SENSE AT ALL.
Still does not compute.
Is this English? Am I high or are you?
The worst part is, there is no other way IN THE WORLD to buy a full size bottle of dove body wash and big sexy hairspray.
I bet she is. <internet thumbs up>
My all-time fav was Midnight Club, followed by Final Friends and Last Vampire buuuuut I would just keep listing his books in order if I could... like The Wicked Heart, ugh so good! I used to comb used bookstores and CP book finds were gold to me in my early teens.
Fact. My sister took care of the two of us as kids and now that we're adults she always has an insane amount of bread around. And money. She's determined to never run out again. And then donates amazing amounts of it to charity. The woman is something.
I can't remember the name, but I know the one of which you speak. I believe the sister-girlfriend tried to inject him with an air bubble in his insulin syringe?
It kills me thinking of children going to bed hungry.
Call me whe Hollywood produces a movie version of the Final Friends trilogy. #ChristopherPike4Eva
I love Viola Davis so freaking much. I live in one of the most poor (if not the most) regions in the US. Hunger is an issue, even in wealthy country like America. It's an issue that needs much more attention!
I hope Christopher Pike is the villain in that movie.
I still have all my RL Stine Goosebumps and Fear Street books... I loved them so much. Glad I resisted the urge to give them to my ungrateful nephews who probably would have thrown them out anyway.