
Erm, but Taylor Swift is like, proper tall. She just is. Did you see her in New Girl? Taller than all the guys, MUCH taller than Cece, and she made Zooey look like a dwarf. I reckon she's at least 5'9".

To be fair, plenty of them do still have kids in school (the youngest are only fifty).

How is this her fault? Anyone who knows she's a model could have punked her with this.

While I take your point, some would call the factory farming complex 'unnatural' technology. And we (most Westerners) consume far more protein (mostly via meat) than our bodies need. Protein and other essential nutrients are quite easily obtained via a vegan diet.

Sure. I have no dog in this fight. But I'm inclined to trust Snopes over a Kotaku article whose single reference is the writer's boss.

I like plaid and stripes! They go great together! Sometimes! I just think the blind fabric jars in this room. I'm not sure about taste being relative, but I'm a snob like that. :)

Snopes disagrees, but also, this page was last updated in 2007:

Er, no? I love pattern. I love all the patterns here, except for the blind fabric. I'm a designer though, so your 'boring' is my 'tasteful' I guess.

Gahd. People. I wear a necklace in the shape of my star sign's glyph, which happens to look like 69. When people aren't being gross ('Is that your favourite position?'), they ask if it's the year I was born. No. No, it is nowhere near the year I was born. Fuck you very much, those people. (But I actually agree with

Replace the plaid of the Roman blind with a plain greyish white, and that would be a beautiful room.

What's the bet sostanky is that stinky turd formerly known as seatosky?

Watched it out of curiosity re. the 'body positive' comments (sound off), and these are my thoughts:

Erm, because the very word 'outnumbered' refers to the man? Because the man is the subject of the show's title?

Ok, sure, but... *shrugs* She's an actor? They're not really having sex? It just doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

As a dedicated introvert, I value my privacy and the sanctity of my home like priceless treasure... but I do airbnb because I'm also incredibly poor, and I have a spare room sitting there doing nothing to earn its keep. I screen applications carefully, and make it clear on my profile exactly what type of guests I'm

Retta's awesome, but it was a weird comment, no? I mean, pregnant women have sex. What's so 'awkward' about that? (I don't watch Scandal though so maybe I'm missing context.)

Me too. What the fuck's with that?

Ugh. An Adam Pally joke, I bet. I love him (as an actor) but his character in this show is really stretching the friendship. Remember the 'buttaface' joke that ran through the episode before the break? I know he's MEANT to be terrible, but the writers seem to be trying really hard to make us despise him.

This study is truly the only example you need to prove the raging good health of institutionalised sexism in the current workplace. But plenty of people just don't want to hear it.
