
“I never intended to to be a philosopher, or a theologian,” he wrote. “The only role I sought was that of witness.”

Dorne. :/

did u see the part where i mentioned genocide and linked to the battle of the bastards.....

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.


I’d wager that Donald Trump sees something he doesn’t understand when he walks into any room.

it’s a slice from a mini-pizza. The actual size of the uncut pie:

You think that slice is so tiny to make his hands look bigger?

It worth reiterating that her “support” for Trump isn’t because she thinks he would make a better president than Hillary: it’s because she thinks that a Trump presidency would be a massive disaster and usher in a revolution.

I get called a white young male on a regular basis here— ironically, largely by white women who try to use identity politics and racial/gender shaming to force other white people to agree with them. It’s disgusting to use someone elses race as leverage. And anyone who does it is no ally.

No snark, this tool (well not sure this one but functional equivalent) has changed my life. I can now screw and unscrew damn near anything.

Soooooooo many babiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies, they’re an epidemic

or maybe one of these cool new drugs?

Trump should, however, listen to "What Its Like." Not at his rallies, just quietly, to himself.

And we are already off to a FLYING start.

Do you know what would be awesome? If we completely divorced health care from the employer/employee relationship. We could have some sort of, I don’t know, single payer system or something.


Why is everyone so afraid of Ted Cruz? I don’t get it. He’s a great guy! Fantastic even. He’s going to make all of our dreams come true! Seriously, guys. All you have to do is sign one eeensy weensy contract. I have it right here actually. You don’t REALLY need to read the whole thing, do you? It’s pretty standard

He just released his tax plan and I hear it’s good, but I can’t make heads of tails of it: