
After your last image, I... I have to post this:

Nolo contedre—my friends and even my detractors!—that’s what it is. Make no mistake, we’d love a verdict that allows for—look! Every American is tired of the liberal—the conservative—the gun-toting redbloodeds, like a Muslim would. The rapid advance of Islamic, call it what it is. That’s why, for a verdict that I have

Paraphrasing a comment from another poster:

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

In all fairness, Sanders has consistently disagreed with several of Obama’s policies. In this case, he actual his expressing 100 percent support for Garland while also - and honestly - expressing his own preference should he become president.

Own it on DVD; no longer have a thing on which to watch DVDs.

I just copied that from the book jacket of Graham’s biography.

what did i just read

Some Trump fan shouted out with something like, “You lost! Trump for president!”

After Trump’s Chicago rally was cancelled due to mayhem and violence

It might look like I’m sitting in here in silence but I’m just savoring each one of these in turn

Well, if Rick Scott is gonna be the VP nominee, we’re going to need some adjectives for him. I’ll start:

Hopefully her wound will be covered with Liberal Tears brand gauze.

It makes me so happy that even evangelical Christians find Ted Cruz to be a little too Zodiac Killer-y for their tastes.

Sorry, SBC. I usually have your back but if this is true then you’ve swung and missed.

Bobby made this as a gift/curse for me and our loyal readers.