If no one is starving in the street, how can I ever feel truly rich?
If no one is starving in the street, how can I ever feel truly rich?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this already established by a previous pope? I didn't really think Catholics were part of the Creationist crowd.
Do you honestly think 'Murica is going to get the best and brightest CEOs if we only pay them 48X average worker pay like they do in Socialist Denmark? I'm sure our CEOs are worth AT LEAST 354 times average pay. It's not like they go around crashing our the world economy or that they're having to pay penalties for…
McDonalds is in a bit of a pickle. It seems that people aren't trying to get their Big Mac on quite like they used…
My uncle's second wife fucked the one armed drummer from Def Leppard sometime post car crash.
Psh. Typical Jezzie. Asking for unbiased fact-based sources. Harrumph.
Fun Fact About Kate: Dries family legend has it that I am related to Bach via Anna Magdalena Bach.
Sometimes even just the appraising looks get to me. Men looking you up and down deciding whether they would fuck you, their eyes crawling all over your body uninvited. I'm not talking about a quick check-out, I'm talking about the ones who feel entitled to stare openly, and there are many. There are some days I wish I…
When we talk about feminism and sexism, we tend to focus on larger institutional problems like the wage gap and rape…
I'm still confused about hazing. Why does beating the people you want to join your group make sense? What's the thought process from which hazing began?
I'm just going to play Dr. Mario for 24 hours.
I thought her Alanis was pretty spot on as well.
Julie Andrews was my favorite. I kinda want to hear the real Julie sing that whole sing. "Ohhh. I've got some news for you: I really hate your ass right now."
Somehow I've never heard of this woman. SHE'S AMAZING! I was skeptical when she started with Brit, because I just didn't hear it. But OMG she's got everyone else down pat. Especially Gwen and Norah.
*pusheen screaming "it's about ethics in journalism!!"*
"Oh you don't like my restaurant? Well let me give you ANOTHER reason to NEVER eat here again and let me give you the opportunity to spread this around to thousands, if not millions, of people on the internet so I can get a negative reputation and ruin my business. NOW WHAT?!"
Chef doesn't know Nguyen to Bac off.