Bearded Bastard

wait for wildlands bro

At least we’re getting Ghost Recon Wildlands.


Lego has been killing my wallet lately.

“And I’ll get off your lawn now...”

Who are you to decide what I can and can't drive?

“50,000 people used to live it’s a ghost town”

My in-laws used to live in the ‘Vern, and are now further east out in Suffolk County. The Southern State has a series of pressing issues that are obvious to me as an out-of-state driver, though I’m on the road a dozen or so times a year. I can only imagine how frustrated daily drivers would be.

The chip cards themselves seem to have gotten better. I remember when I got my first chip Visa about 5 years ago and the chip would stop being recognized after about 6 months of use. Then when you go to use the mag strip it would just tell you to insert the chip and not let it go through. The cards issued in the last

“Guns don’t shoot people - Ford drivers shoot people.” - NRA

At least The Force Unleashed 2 was better than those dismal Knights of the Old Republic games from back in the day. What were they thinking?

I KID I KID. Did your blood pressure spike?

Do you know that, believe it or not, there are sometimes, somewhere even more unbelievable objects next to the road?

Wait, they retaliated for what? Did the first bike suck, so they stole the second to really show you?

Counter-Strike is a game about positioning and information. CS punishes players for moving heavily with difficult recoil. The first accurate bullet means much more than the sloppy 20th bullet to leave the gun.

It makes it very hard to run-and-gun. Teamwork and positioning mean much more.

I see your duty cycle is at 50%. I have some Qs.

True, it shouldn’t be too hard to add this function (native support shouldn’t break the bank). The problem lies, as is mostly the case in the entertainment industry, within the install base, and more directly in the pricing range. They have no other option than to keep the price of the rift as low as possible, because

Very cool! And the host isn’t a douche which is double cool! I’d watch more of his stuff for sure. Not a fan of rolling coal but the build was fun to watch.

A la austin powers to boot!

Back to the Future, exclusively on PC.