Bearded Bastard

"Our thumbs will blot out the sun"

Please don't compare this asinine idea to cars. There is no reason that we should even think of putting solar panels on roads until every rooftop is covered.

I haven't done a feasibility study, but wouldn't piezoelectric roads be a much, much better idea? Or maybe thermocouples. Maybe I could ask for a million dollars on kickstarter to do a feasibility study on making piezoelectric roads, that sounds like a pretty good scam to run.

Even so, I'm actually excited for Hardline.

Oh god, I'd put Bad Company 3 over 2142 as well. If wish they just had BC as the single player element of the standard Battlefield games.

Hahahahaha. Nope.

TBH I'd rather a redux of 2142, 1942, or even Vietnam over this... Not a worthless expansion that maybe 1/3 of the games players will even bother getting and left to die within a week of release. But a full on new game on the new engine, but bringing back the different era's the series had explored.. not more of the

I can't imagine 32x32 multiplayer matches in this kind of setting but maybe 3 faction (16x16x16) games. (gang vs. gang vs. law enforcement)

Now playing

That would certainly explain the music from Dredd in the video. The whole soundtrack has that radio-noise "Battlefield" tone, so it makes sense they'd use it in a presentation video.

You fucked up the last line. "...roll through a locked down city while for a group of terrorists."

A few things... Their LA landscape looks very well made. It looks like maybe they have improved the driving physics and allowed a more arcade experience. (Jumping a motorbike from a several story building without it blowing up) Some of these newer features for tactical insertion, zip lines and grappling hooks will be

Well, I am one of the lucky ones who had zero problems with BF4, so I am in Day 1 with this!

Adam Harrington?

This is actually false. In reality, these stones are achieved by inserting a lump of coal in my ass. Two weeks later, I shit it out and it forms these smooth, unique formations.

It would be cool to walk around the ship durring some down time too. What is point of having massive ship if you cant admire it from human view.

9.8 for sticking the landing.

If I was a big fan of Nova's, I would wish for that to be a dubbed engine sound. It sounds hysterical. :D

All this interest and money being thrown at the space simulation genre and yet X-Wing vs Tie Fighter is still stuck in the 90s. At least update the game to be put on steam or even better...make a damn sequel.