Bearded Bastard

whats nice to hear is that he admits that his parents werent being completely unreasonable, and understands he didnt exactly make the case for his desire, and that their resistance is what helped him in the end. you dont see this admission to often with people.

yeah, i mean, i understand chassis flex is a part of their handling features, but, if everyone had the same type of roll cage, wouldnt that mean everyone has the same performance limitation?

just close the store and tell people to fuck off and come back in the morning. yeah they will be shocked at the notion to having to fuck off, but they will fucking come back. you all know it

as i said in another post. check your local bylaws, you will be surprised what you see. my bet is you live in a similar city already. just lucky enough to noit lived beside anyone who cares

it depends on the situation. i live in my city, and bylaw or peace officers can stop by and write me up for something if deemed to be an eyesore.

inside city limits, purposely destroying your property is actionable from your neighbors. if its through construction or upgrading, its fine because its presumed to get better, but purposely turning your land into an eyesore is a huge problem. if you want to do things like this you go out to the country where your

if they think fog lights are acceptable at any time where there is no fog/ dont realize their fogs are on.

yeah, im all for teaching people a lesson, but that one was a bit extreme

i dont have sympathy for the women getting in trouble, but the whole, being abandoned in a rural provincial highway is where my sympathy comes in. the story i referenced, the people basically only had enough money to get home, and they had their vehicle, which wasnt a BC vehicle either, get impounded, while they were

he may have been harsh, but he was not wrong. you do not touch. never. you just dont. unless you must know the plate number to report a car parked in your stall, and they have also covered the car up for some reason while occupying your stall, there is no reason to actually do it.

i feel like the campaigns will be similar in style to what we got in battlefield 1, short stories cut from the greater star wars story telling the story of every day people featuring the heroes we know about already

this is fantastic work, but im sorry, the phrase “interior boning” is too much for me to handle this morning. i didnt sleep much last night.

the problem is there are better experiences on pc available than cod, you will always find some on every title, even cod pre MW have players still.

its safer to back in, and its faster to back in, than to back out for the same reason. no one is going to phase through a vehicle while you are backing in, but people certainly can and will suddenly appear from behind them and other things near your stall.

its spelled, “Tuque” thank you very much

thats a more complicated issue. the person who created that mod was paid by valve for their portion, and then valve had to deal with issues with having actual characters from the warcraft universe in their game. they didnt pay blizzard or anyone to make a MOBA game, they paid for the assets within, as well as hiring

so instead of yelling at the tv about shit refs miss in hockey i should be phoning it in so the plays can be adjusted! thanks for the tip!

i specifically mentioned the gauge being off at higher volume than at lower readings, but no, the numbers added up overall.- truck tanks are uniform in shape compared to car tanks, so the gauge reading is quite close comparatively, and the reason your tank doesnt move for the first little bit is because of how modern

cant edit, but also, there was an established company behind h1z1. it was sony, they sold off that division halfway through and now they are daybreak games.

i hear they added in a ton of fancy shit, and that it is ggetting better. but im never booting up the game again due to the gongshow the production has been. they straight up ignored the survival portion while they made the KOTK mode. as far as i am concerned, h1z1 is simply KOTK now. its easier to maintain, easier to