Bearded Bastard

What articles have they advocated any form of speeding exactly?

or thought player collision in non combat zones was smart

her right to protect her child with a gun, rtrumps my fear of guns.

On the note of how crazy illness makes people. I grew up with severe asthma, since I was a few months I’ve been on medication to relax my lungs.

The problem there is people believe they have those diseases because of the medicine we’ve been using, so they think their kids wil be safe by homeopathic means.

Hey, give them a drink, and they give you their clothes. Win win

>stereotypes people

Technically the saviors attacked first, by stopping Darryl and friends. Also turning the hilltop guy against their leader doesn’t give them any brownie points.

one year we had a similar event take place. i worked for a utility company in my area and we were in charge of maintaining street utilities. so, power boxes in neighborhoods, any water or gas under roads, street lights etc.

Unfortunately that isn't my website, I tried to get it recently when suggested by a friend but, alas, I am too late to the punch.

Oh I am well aware of that, that’s why people using vape pens as a fashion statement, are so easy to pick out from the ones who use them in effort to quit. By treating it exactly like its smoking.

No actually, it’s retards with no consideration for other people we have to thank for regulations. The rules were written years ago about no smoking, but fools and self entitled tools figured they could skirt them, so they needed to be told, like the children they are, that no, they cannot do that on a plane.

thank you for the time to write that out. the stigma definitely comes in large part due to people associating vaping and smoking as nearly identical actions. the rest comes from the people who are in general shit people. but shit people exist in every group, nothing we can really do about it.

which makes me wonder why even use a vape pen if your fluid has no nicotine in it, other than as a shitty fashion statement

its more the general demeanor of vape pens, and those who use them. I am all for the alternative to smoking, and anything that helps people get over their addiction and ultimately quit.

what is upsetting about this is the fact it needs to be banneed. and people couldnt just not be douchebags for a few hours on the plane

If epic uses the unified app they can’t sell their game on anything but the windows store. And that’s a problem for epic because they release through their launcher, so they can unify their clients accounts across all their games. That is a problem. If he is lying or he missed something, then fine, but as it is laid

their launcher is, if anything, the exact result of prviding their software directly to customers. valve OS is going to be a simple install to supplement their big picture mode for living room gaming,. it wont at all be required.

at least ubisoft sells their games on steam and uplay. and their games can be activated on either. worse though is having to still need uplay to launch the game.

theres onthing wrong with a developer creating a UI for their games. its different when the platform the games are on does it though.