
I'm a dumbfuck who didn't look close enough to realize this was not Steve Wojciechowski.

Ah fuck. I googled "Steve Wojciechowski slapping floor," and that was the only floor slapping image I found. I didn't even look closely. White guys, they all look alike.

That subtle move you did where you changed the o in sox to a u, barely changing the name of the team but doing it in such a way that indicates that they suck and are not good at baseball...that was EPIC, bro.

I stopped reading at the end of the first paragraph when I saw an error that showed me you have no business writing about the Yankee captain because you just don't even know the most basic things about him.

Who can blame Jeter for asking someone else to be the one who sucks ass for once?

I believe the correct spelling is now "A22-Eating Gossip."

The NFL has entered into a partnership with the National Domestic Violence Hotline and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. "They need our help," said Goodell. "And we are providing it."

I love her

Hehe, how did you make him look so fat?

Don't pass quick judgement on domestic violets in Arizona. It can be very difficult to assess their development as the dry dessert air in that area slows down the dew process, sometimes leaving them with a lack of moisture. #mitigatingfactor

All you people pointing a finger at Jonathan Dwyer need to understand that domestic violets are planted around many, many homes throughout the American south. They are something he grew up with, part of the culture in which he was raised.

Roaches are red.

Well said, but a little jail time wouldn't hurt. Or at least some long-ass probation.

I thought Drew's take on corporal punishment and child abuse yesterday was really good, but there was one thing that I think missed the mark. When he said "If it takes sending Adrian Peterson to jail to explain the 'don't hit your kids' concept to all the junior Bob Knights out there, so be it."

So that was just a spanking? And if Mom was whoppin' too then it would be a better situation?

Well, Drew does bury it under the incomprehensible category of "DADSPIN."

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.