I think you need to bail. Or, alternatively, have a Serious Talk and have him get his shit together so you can live in peace, but you make it sound like it's not gonna happen. Move out, see if your relationship works better that way.
I think you need to bail. Or, alternatively, have a Serious Talk and have him get his shit together so you can live in peace, but you make it sound like it's not gonna happen. Move out, see if your relationship works better that way.
I actually like her column and I think in general she gives decent advice, but yeah, this article was not a good idea.
rly useful comment. Anyone remember pre-kinja when there was moderation and life was good?
For those who don't click through: The other best part is that she requests only reusable cups/plates and a water cooler instead of water bottles.
In one show/one night, she probably reduces more plastic goods thrown away than my entire office tries to recycle in a month's period of time. Yay Grimes.
If you need an explanation of why cultural appropriating costumes are racist, especially Native American ones, see: http://nativeappropriations.com/2013/10/the-on…
You do realize that this post is about characaturizing groups of people who face actual discrimination and bigotry in the present day, yes?
Yes, clearly the ancient Romans are victims of oppression.
And has anyone actually met a Ukrainian woman? I have Ukrainian women friends and no one would ever call them submissive.
Oh, he looks scary as fuck. I would definitely not be so chill if that hell-face was gripping my titty. NO, SIR!
And I will vomit all over your shoes, so we'll be even :)
Yo, fuck this person. When I was in school full time and working 20+ hours a week, there were lots of situations where I had back to back classes, work, and whatever else and had no time to eat. Now, I tried to be polite and not excessively loud or annoying, so maybe his/her class is just actually out of control. But…
They could also tell them, "We're pledging her. Pull the funding and lose your UA chapter. We'll explain to everyone exactly why it happened, and if you recolonize UA everyone will know that the members are a bunch of outward racists."
I'm really not trying to nitpick here, so sorry if it comes off that way, but while you're right that the main way (if not the only way) to consume bison is to buy farmed bison, there are wild populations across North America. Particularly if you consume a lot of your information in the form of idyllic photographs of…
But...they didn't wipe out the buffalo? Destroyed large swaths of the population, yes, but the species still exist in pretty sizable numbers. And more than that, there are a lot of Native groups in the US and Canada that do still practice traditional methods of hunting (and gathering) and fishing. As someone who…
The New England fisheries are unimaginably complex, both due to the ecosystem itself and due to the fact that we've been here so long, everyone wants a slice of the pie, and the pie keeps getting smaller.
The fact is, the seals belong here, as do the sharks (many of which are overfished themselves), the cod, herring,…