
Do you have any links to the program or program information?

Probably the artist knows mostly white people? just speculating

Yah, as a low income bracket (white) person (not living in NYC but Montreal), I've always wondered if I'm a gentrifier even if I just can't afford to live in the cool neighbourhoods. Like, where are artists supposed to live?

Gentrification is more of a Anglophones moving into French neighbourhoods OR ethnic

Yay! One outlier!

Consumers, customers, buyers, whatever. NOT GUESTS. My definition of hospitality does not include a desire to get people to buy shit from my house. I hate this bullshit corporate jargon.

Spike Jonze isn't even his real name.

Thank you for that totally relevant comment! I hear they serve "baby soup" in the kitten parallel universe.

Start a cat advice column!

Thank you so much for this!! You are helping us illiterate cat people. Seriously thanks for the ideas/thoughts.

I think consistency is our biggest problem, coupled with becoming surprise cat parents and neither of us having cats (we have only had dogs). Our cat is very smart.... he knows just what objects to attack or pretend to destroy to get our attention (he chews my headphones). There is also two types of biting: light

Thanks. One of our problems is neither of us have had cats (only dogs) and we find cat behaviour extremely confusing. Like neither of us have any idea when he wants to be put down after we pick him up (except like him biting us).

This is pretty much my situation; he can be nippy but occasionally will freak out when we're holding him and bite. One of our problems is if we pick him up the only way we know he wants down is to bite us....

Thanks, I don't know if he is quite feral; when we found him with his sibling he was six weeks old and had clearly been abandoned. But this is just speculative (he was either born in that park or dropped off by someone in that park because its surrounded by 3 major roads and a railway).

I will be showing this thread

I am showing this to my boyfriend who insists on petting the kitten until it calms down, i.e. he picks up kitten, kitten bites, he pets it for 30 minutes. I think it's confused. Especially since I'm more of the YELL AT HIM kind of disciplinarian.

And also its really hard when its so soft and cute and you just want to

First, how do I get my kitten to stop biting?!?

He is a 6 month old rescue that I found in the park (with his sibling, clearly abandoned) when he was like 6 weeks old. Is he improperly socialized?!? We got him fixed but he still does the biting.

All these pictures are pretty hilarious to me considering what we deal with on a regular basis here in MTL during the winter...

Forecast for today: 12 to 14 inches of me not giving a fuck.

Congratulations, you are that much closer to winter weather enlightenment. Namaste.

And why would they be insufferable?

Go on vacation somewhere warm? Or just be miserable?