
All I can say is don't give a shit or maybe put them on your limited profile? One of these women is 'Ottawa famous' (my hometown) for being a professional juicer... I laugh at them and they probably laugh at me. And like I'm never going to have meaningful relationships with these people, it is very very unlikely I

Word, but there are still fun indoor things you can do so you don't go mental.

I'm in the same boat... high school was a dark time for me I hung out with people who I didn't really like and didn't really like me, pretended to be someone else for a couple of years... But basically I created a totally different life and look back on those times as the dark years. Yet I still can't unfriend some of

I posted this somewhere else but here are my winter survival tips and they involve a bit of reframing:

You need some winter activities.... get bundled up and go for a walk once a day! Take Vitamin D! I understand that maybe where ever you are you don't have a ton of winter activities, BUT, skating is really fun and especially if you bring a thermos of hot chocolate and have somewhere to warm up afterwards. You need to

Yah I read all these things and I'm like "this is normal". Greetings from Montreal, one of the coolest cities on the planet (figuratively and literally).

omg this guy is an idiot

Montrealer here. I'm almost certain escalators have stop buttons (I've seen many escalators that were stopped obviously from having that button pressed).

Cool! Wondering why there are only three women on this list of twenty interviewees? How do you determine popularity? Are there more men than women interviewed for this series?

I'm assuming you are from Montreal based on your handle... does it really hold up to our winters?

I think misogyny (the hatred or dislike of women because they are women) is 100% wrong. You want to talk about policies that affect women and why or why not they might be contrary to the goal of equality, fine. I'm open to different ideas, that are based in reason and fact. I never said my views are 100% objectively

Yah, true. I guess I'm either really lucky, really picky, or have had really honest conversations with good guy friends about things. And I also emphasize that I really love men, being pro-woman does not mean being anti-man, and that men are awesome allies when they want to be.

Now that I think about it, I am pretty

Anyone who uses their intellect, education, academic sounding language, and what seems like a straw man argument to justify their misogyny is not worth your time.

The educated men I know tend to have actually learned something from critical theory. I'm not sure how modern feminism (which in my mind is just a

Champagne bitches!

I have an awesome beanie/knit hat from Brooklyn Industries so I would recommend their hats! (specifically the waffle knit hats if you are looking for something that has little to no effect on your hair:…)

Hair sticks = okay. Chop sticks = not okay.
Cool. What if it's like a pink decorated stick? Essentially: how do you know if the hair stick you are using is actually a hair stick?

I think it's a lot harder to impeach someone in Canada though. Maybe I'm missing the point here... Marion Barry was arrested for possessing crack as part of a sting operation. I don't think drug use is illegal in Canada, just possession (and the penalties vary by amounts... most small amounts result in a fine).


I think it's because in Canada we have different laws... you cannot remove a mayor in Toronto unless they are found guilty of doing something criminal, i.e. it needs to go through the courts. That's my understanding. Most semi-sane or intelligent people would resign or take a leave of absence, but it's pretty clear