Some babies don't like to be covered. I guess everyone should live their lives in fear of reddit.
Some babies don't like to be covered. I guess everyone should live their lives in fear of reddit.
Yes; the fact that there are now "Yoga Competitions" says it all. We forgot the most basic tenet of Yoga which was "check your ego at the door."
Okay, our species deserves to completely die out, right this minute.
I can't wait until Nickelback writes the theme song.
I long for the end of this planet via CO2 superheating.
There is something really dark and unnerving about her voice and behavior, I kind of don't even think this is funny.
I'll take it...AND EAT IT. Nom nom nom nom nom. ;)
This would be funny if it weren't so true. None of my friend's kids will drink plain water, because that's GROSS. Really kid? Try drinking water infected with cholera or parasites. That's GROSS. Shut up and drink up!
it's eating. it's how a baby eats. people eat in public, babies can eat in public as well. social norms dictate that we crap in private, so we take babies into bathrooms and change their diapers there. babies are part of society.
You're really going to equate feeding a baby with taking a shit? Ok then.
What about an app that rates how labor friendly your clothes are? Were your yoga pants made in a sweatshop in Bangladesh, or a free-trade community of women who have escaped abusive situations and are now able to make a life for themselves in... wherever? Not that the latter is common, but if we knew, perhaps we could…
The real solution to the environmental impact to clothing is to buy less stuff but have it be of higher quality. All clothes require processing that will have an impact. By buying fewer articles but having them be of higher quality (and therefore lasting longer), it's much easier to reduce your impact.
Dove is owned by Unilever.
Why don't I like my picture taken? Because my family is full of idiots who have no idea how to compose a shot. I know you have a fancy new camera. I know that you flipped through the manual. That doesn't make you a photographer, okay?
There is no rule that says that you can't end a sentence with a preposition. It is a myth. Kind of like the myth that correcting spelling/grammar in the comments of a blog somehow makes you seem clever.
Your advice on how to get a girl to trim her bush sounds like the words of a guy that has never had sex before. Referring to the vagina as a dick shaped snack cake sounds like the words of a guy that has never seen a vagina before. Don't you have 2 kids?
Just tell her "Hey I love eating you out but sometimes hair can get in the way" just that alone should turn a light bulb on. And say it as casual as possible, doing some sort of sit down intervention will make her feel self conscience so please don't.
Furthermore, why do I have to have an excuse in the form of some obligation to want to have time for myself? Why do I have to have some sob story or something I NEED to do to not put in EXTRA? I love my job, and the people I work with have done a remarkably good job at respecting my time outside of work, but it seems…