Cyanogenmod7 FTW
Cyanogenmod7 FTW
I agree, it's a horrible browser.
Man I kinda feel bad for the kid...IDK why but I just do...
What can't happen?
All of the signal (internet/basic tv) is pushed through the same line. So you'll get your locals, pbs, and some other BS all in 1080p.
I've always Jailbroken my iPhone but lately I feel like all of the rooting/jailbreaking is mostly done by people just to be able to pirate media/apps. Not sure if it's the same in the Android world but thats what a good portion of the iPhone people are doing it for....just kinda sucks thats all.
If you have Cable internet, buy a $3 splitter for the coax coming into your modem, one line to your modem the other to your PC, WMC can decipher the signal with no extra help and you'll have pure HD right on your PC...for free..antennas are so last year in the cable cutting world.
When its in stock the 64gb version (wifi) is $399 as well If Im not mistaken.
Uhhhhh I think a guy in San Francisco (#52) may have something to say about the best Linebacker in the league.
Why can't we get these types of shows in SF?
I'm also wondering how will that content get loaded?
I keep wondering will there be a CBR app? I needs me comics on me tablets
I bought a Fire, mainly because the iPad just isn't a mobile device. It's to big to walk around with, it never left my house. I envision actually taking the Fire places....
Almost every single Mac used in creative departments is the Mac Pro (that I've seen). Using an iMac is too expensive, you get more bang by being able to get our own monitors and spending that money on processing power....thats just my experience though.
Honestly you just don't know the right scumbags lol....
I never thought they did the best 'albums' per se but they had some great freaking songs. But yes that was their best album by far. Bay Area hip hop was so strong mid 90's.
Common rate in CA is $80 for 3.75g of Powder.
I've seen the iPhone4 refurbished on ATT site for $99 multiple times....
I love Chrome but since my Lion upgrade its almost unusable...and yes I'm using canary. I think my 2.4ghz mac mini just doesn't have the power....