Beall49 bad, yeah we don't have any of those providers out

Don't they understand that I would gladly pay them $5 a month for this app, without a cable service?

My day is much better now

I 100% agree with what you just said...also this doesn't seem like an Anon hack....

I don't know why but that was one of the most interesting videos I've ever (in the last hour) watched. Total Nerdom

Just wondering what language that is? C probably?

HBO GO pisses me off, I have to login every single time I start up a new browser. I like everyone else would love to pay HBO directly.

My TV watching is so low since I cut cable that I've already done my part.

When will CBS fix their video player? No matter what browser I get a small Lipitor add thats cut off in the upper left corner.

I'm talking more about the name similarity then anything. Of course having time machine is a good thing. But Time Machine = History Vault, it's pathetic, they don't need to be. Call it backup or restore, they need to stop trying to be cute.

WTF is going on in Redmond? Not that this isn't a needed feature but why are they constantly trying to copy Apple? Balmer needs to go...they sound so pathetic now.

This judge needs to be the one prosecuted. Why is nobody talking about how or why this is legal? This should have been thrown out months ago. Are we not allowed to work on our cars either?

Duh Winning...

I couldn't find anything about that either....

I really don't understand how this is going down? How is a guy who is firmly against pirating and is doing nothing but basically tinkering with a product he legally purchased being put through this? Fuck Sony, I'll never buy another thing from them #freeGeoHot

I felt the same way, then I sold mine and find myself missing it all the time. Especially now that everyone uses them at work instead of laptops.

The classic/original iPhone is the best looking mobile device eVAR

hotspot capabilities, better notification system (especially for text), facetime over 3g...

If that is Steve, being skinny during radiation is pretty much par for the course. The only thing that makes you eat is's true, it's science
