
The real question is WHY? Why would MS care if we hacked our Kinects? We might brick them and have to buy more but what other reason could they care? It can't contribute to pirating? All I can see is real progress and apps!

fail without chrome to phone

Why do I pirate again? Oh yeah thanks...

besides Hader...meh...wait SNL is pretty much meh nowadays


@color_guru: exactly ~ your iPhone will crash it WILL happen

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.3: I agree I love seeing them anywhere, especially R2, such a perfect character...maybe thats why I love the Clone Wars cartoon

@Dancing Milkcarton: yeah but its not just a that its a C2D, it's a 1.4 C2D. Is it much smaller and hotter than 2.0?

The main reason I jailbreak my iphones


This guys laptop is a piece of shit...gosh, who still rocks one of thoooose....

If I could get an unlocked one for ATT out of contract for a decent price I would pick one up because I'm a VS god...not really...but I make a hello world msgbox

@Canon7D-Fanboy: I was there and I saw the plane, not sure about the bridge thing though...

Anyone know why it was there? We were kinda scared there for a minute.

@FooFighting: he's actually pretty bad about it. He had a pretty bad wifi bug in blackra1n. People are complaining of issues with Bluetooth and wifi already...he's calling this a beta and we're doing the testing

@cmdtacos: they're thinking about ditching it and releasing it later...they don't want to waste it now, which I think is the way to go

@Alyssan: it was a biggie can steal it and use it as your own...

@Alyssan: this is not sn0wbreeze team (which is only 1 person; ih8sn0w). This is the chronic dev team which are ace boon dunes with the dev team has been mostly working on unlocks lately anyway