@Ghostnappa9001: +1
@Ghostnappa9001: +1
@Dancing Milkcarton: yeah but its not just a that its a C2D, it's a 1.4 C2D. Is it much smaller and hotter than 2.0?
@NefariousNewt: +1
The main reason I jailbreak my iphones
This guys laptop is a piece of shit...gosh, who still rocks one of thoooose....
If I could get an unlocked one for ATT out of contract for a decent price I would pick one up because I'm a VS god...not really...but I make a hello world msgbox
@Canon7D-Fanboy: I was there and I saw the plane, not sure about the bridge thing though...
Anyone know why it was there? We were kinda scared there for a minute.
@FooFighting: he's actually pretty bad about it. He had a pretty bad wifi bug in blackra1n. People are complaining of issues with Bluetooth and wifi already...he's calling this a beta and we're doing the testing
@cmdtacos: they're thinking about ditching it and releasing it later...they don't want to waste it now, which I think is the way to go
@Alyssan: it was a biggie reference...you can steal it and use it as your own...
@Alyssan: this is not sn0wbreeze team (which is only 1 person; ih8sn0w). This is the chronic dev team which are ace boon dunes with the dev team...dev team has been mostly working on unlocks lately anyway
@CodingParadox: I thought they said it was a surprise and they won't be telling until Sunday, if I'm wrong cheers
@tastypotatoes: isn't 4.0.1's jailbreak - jailbreakme.com, I don't think it can get any easier than that.
For me the main reason I stay with iPhone is that resale. I usually make money on my iPhone by selling it later on...usually jb & unlocked which helps....hint hint chronic dev...
$299? Nope.
This really is the deal breaker...my DirecTV contract is up and I think some up front investment in new TV's and equipment will be well worth it if hulu comes to Google TV
@NaraVara: when I worked in the city, that was a good one...but I started to rely on the public transit option in the stock maps app. It seemed to be better for me because I was trying to usually find my way to the bus stop too.