This report is so off the mark, the only thing that could/will happen to t-mobile is they merge with another company. They're still very profitable, why would they go bankrupt before someone buys them...
This report is so off the mark, the only thing that could/will happen to t-mobile is they merge with another company. They're still very profitable, why would they go bankrupt before someone buys them...
@amlamarra: me too...whats funny is that people think you're so out of touch if you don't have a fb.
@wasting_company_time: I don't think it would take a redesign or even a line change...probably just an insert to stop the problem..
I wonder if they try and fix it for the white one? hmmmm
Im wanting this phone less and less...this isn't really a reason either way, but I'm just saying....the only real reason to trade up is becuase of how much jb/unlocked 3gs are going for on eBay...
biteSMS = reason alone to jailbreak.
@jgrnt1: musclenerd already confirmed this is not true via code
@a sexy hot dog: TBH, WEBOS, might be a good fit for just seems like something that would work.
Im sure it would take the JB community a few minutes to get around this if it were true anyway...
@swizzle23: I bet you're right...
wow like communist propaganda much?
i could really care less
That just happened
@tomsomething: if someone did that, Steve would instantly die...its true
How about Will ATT give existing customers the upgrade price for the new iphone like they did with the 3G upgrade?
k I just tried it, and it sent me directly to the page it wanted, and I clicked search not Im feeling ducky. I'll probably never visit the site again
Vista's problems for me had nothing to do with the UAC, it was the constant buggieness, the lack of early drivers, and the feeling that the OS was really underdeveloped and slow. We use Vista at work and it just does some wierd things, it's very unpredictable and development is a constant war and I'm on a hotrod here.…
anyone with the smallest amount of vb skills could do this...and probably get it to fire when the error actually's basically just an err handler
why wouldn't you just use the run command?