
I’m a big proponent of body positivity, but these hyperbolic statements where a thin person talks about how much they’ve struggled being slightly less thin than other thin people drive me nuts.

He make point. I no have sex with men and brain no think good.

Yeah, from the description this didn’t sound like any Catholic schools my friends went to growing up. That being said, I’m from California, not Florida, and I’m most familiar with Jesuit education which is its own brand of Catholicism.

I went to a few Catholic schools and in some we went to church once a week and had religious classes. It was never as Jesusy as this.

I don’t at all understand how that “applies equally well here”. The Democrats’ stated platform is to raise the minimum wage to $15, pass things like universal health care and mandatory sick days and workers’ rights, strengthen regulations, tax the wealthy, and increase the social safety net. The party and its members

ah yes, the old “why won’t you tolerate my intolerance” bit. So nice to see it again.

I hate every piece of furniture/décor in the listing for Gwyneth’s apartment. I assume it was staging, but YUCK! Especially the swinging bench in the living room.

I think the thing that gets me about them is that I’m a mom, and I’m a business owner. A for real, brick-and-mortar business owner.

Some of the very best make up I’ve used was some Mary Kay stuff my mom gave me as a teenager. I miss it sometimes.

Oh and also, after posting something nice and positive, can I just say that I. Can’t. Even. with the network marketing/pyramid scheme boom that’s happening on my news feed right now? If I see one more post about magical, magical gut health littered with emojis and thinspiration I’m throwing my computer off the roof.

Meanwhile, back in the world that actually exists, Perez will make a good DNC chair, just like Ellison would have., for a party that had a setback in 2016 but is hardly reduced to ashes.

I’m a chef you fucking idiot. I know exactly what it means and I know it’s a fucking rip off, because I know what all that shit fucking costs. Go be a hipster moron 5 years behind the trends before trying to engage with people who actually know what the fuck they’re talking about.

Tapas means “I have to go to this fucking birthday party and pay more money for an incomplete meal and then wind up ordering a pizza later anyway.” That’s what tapas means.

When I was in elementary school I was a loyal viewer of the show Fashion Television. And I remember I had this visceral hatred of Lagerfeld, who I thought was a pretentious twat. Which, with hindsight, is sort of an hilarious thing for a 9 year old to even have an opinion about.

Does my memory serve me that his

Rihanna has charitably built a state-of- the-art center for oncology and nuclear medicine to diagnose and treat breast cancer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados.

There are a lot of good points but I struggle with the idea that partnership/marriage are inherently anti-feminist. This argument came up a lot about the fight for marriage equality; that advocating for it was against progressive values because it reinforces patriarchal and capitalist structures.

I’m personally sick of cutesy, swallow, self-centered feminism. And I’m really sick of reactionary feminism that is hysterical over dumb things (i.e. I just watched a bunch of women screaming at a Twitter ad about how binge drinking affects women’s health and they called it victim blaming. Um, they aren’t talking

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My first concert. Lucky to say I was able to see them live.

Boring White People Think Their Boring Shit Is Deep: The Millionth Movie.

I don’t know why but the tinted glasses encrazy me. And not in a good way.