
Once it’s past the trial phase plaintiffs and defendants are rarely directly involved. Its just the lawyers writing arguments and motions about what happened in the trial, and the judge rules on the findings at the trial. Rarely is new evidence involved past the trial. An exception would be like the Syed case from the

Sarah Weddington is amazing. She is proof that either lawyers are getting dumber or the quality of law schools and a legal education has gone downhill. She was only four years out of law school when she made oral arguments before the Supreme Court. I still get nervous in district court.

He really is a shit. And the softballs and tacit agreement, jesus I wanted to scream and vomit simultaneously. One of the first things I noticed was when Milo attacked Lena Dunham and Bill didn’t defend her on the merits, he was just like, oh don’t go after other HBO employees because it might make shit awkward for

I can remember that it was IN to watch him and smh, “can you believe this shit?”

At first, and then I decided to stand (I have a standing-desk) with my legs wide apart and let Mr. Gravity do whatever he wants to my fucking labia. Excelsior!!

On one hand, women own their own bodies and have a right to modify it to their liking.

ok.this is petty and none of my beeswax, and i happen to kind of love clooney and amal seems like a fabulous woman, BUT HOW IRRITATING IS IT THAT HE HAS BEEN “NO KIDS” “I NEVER WANT KIDS” BLAH BLAH BLAH

I find pretty strange that they are only after Mexicans, not a single Russian, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, etc...

Every day they do something even more fucked up than the day before. Soon there will be nowhere for them to go other than just openly gunning down groups of day laborers.

This is busy work, pure and simple. This is teaching your three-year-old how to hammer nails in a block of wood while you build a bookcase. He’s being sent out so the Star Chamber can prepare his next round of appointments and executive orders and not have to worry about him fucking up their plans.

Let’s be honest. This is all pretty terrible. I can’t even imagine the price point on this garbage. I already own jeans and hoodies and I don’t wear them on my high-fashion days.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

By arresting her they’re ensuring that other undocumented victims of domestic abuse (or undocumented people in general) don’t use the legal system. Regardless of whether you think she should be here or not, making undocumented immigrants afraid to use the court system is going to make life more dangerous both for them

Yeah so can Trump and all his minions shut the fuck up now with their “We’re just getting rid of those who commit homicide and sexual assault.” Nah, you’re coming into our neighborhoods and our places of work and taking whoever you fucking find. You’re taking mothers away from their children who were brought here when

Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!


Some people like pain. It feels good to cry.

The only people I’ve seen discussing this show are Facebook friends in their late 30s who are big fans of Grey’s Anatomy and the Twilight movies, and who go on cruises hosted by washed-up musicians from the 90s. They think this show is great. That alone was enough to keep me away.

Having said that, more abuse allegations are declared unfounded or false than valid.