
I have to admit that Kylie Jenner is the first person I think of when I hear “Kylie.”

We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!

 making for Pirates of the Caribbean: When Everyone’s Undead, We Can Do This Forever

we must protect Chelsea and Jordan’s child, the future of comedy

Can we just skip this shit and get to the street fights against Nazis already?

And I thought Mike from Veep was a bad press secretary...

Thanks for the explanation. I knew that it was government-owned, but didn’t know that meetings with foreign dignitaries happened there.

So pointlessly petty and ungracious and arrogant and cruel and small. Really, really small.

It’s so mean. So pointlessly petty and ungracious and arrogant and cruel and small. Really, really small.

To be fair, white people voted to burn this country to the ground anyway, so I’m not sure we could blame it on Michelle living in a gold tower in the hypothetical.

Yeah, while the “wife” and kid are living in NYC, he is cutting the NEA (which was half of the annual cost of the tower guard cost) so it works out. When you screw over liberal things the savings count 3x as much.

Came here to say this!! And not just like, “Oh if I’m chewing a piece of gum, I don’t bother finding a garbage can, I just swallow.” Like he FUCKING EATS TONS OF GUM ON A DAILY BASIS.

Hey, remember all the hysterical tantrums because Obama very occasionally took a vacation? All those people are going to be furious and outraged about this, right? Right?

If by “fresh faced,” they mean “looks like a serial killer,” then yes— yes, he is “fresh faced”

Look guys. I think you are missing the big picture here.

I remember talk radio somehow blaming the OKC bombing on Clinton.

Look, liberals,

Trump should not be allowed to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of his presidency #MicDrop

I look forward to Democrats never even allowing this to come up for a vote.

I know this is so ridiculous and way too late to be excusable, but I just read “President Donald Trump” and dissolved into tears on my kitchen floor.